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时间:2017-06-23 作者:中国家谱网 点击:89次 来源:家谱

    富锦修家谱价格le ancient Hebrew source for Biblical patriarchs.  The Book of Jasher cites Noah married Naamah, daughter of Enoch.  They brought forth Japheth and Shem.  Later, Noah married Namah, daughter of Lamech, and they brought forth Ham.  There are several extra-Biblical sources of the names of their wives in the chart below:    HISTORICAL NAMES OF THE WIVES OF NOAH AND HIS THREE SONS   Ancient Hebrew Sources (including the Book of Jasher) Book of Jubilees (from 2nd century B.C.) Syriac Targum (Aramaic  translation of the Hebrew Bible, 3rd century A.D.) Theologian John Gill (1697-1771) from his  "Exposition of the Bible" of an Arabic tradition Siouan Indian Tribes (Monacan Indian Nation "Mothers of  Origin") Folklore, literature and other traditions Noah Naamah, Namah, Na'amah, Nahamah, Amurah, Artzia,Tutzia Emzara     Askarin  Set, Haical, Coba, Dalila, Dalida, Phiapphara, Puarphara, Percoba, Nuraita, Nhuraitha, Anhuraita, Tytea Shem Mahalatoren,   Machlah Sedukatelbab, Sedeqetelebab Nahalath Mahnuk Nahlat, Nahalath Maraskarin Cateslinna, Jaitarecta, Salit, Parsia, Nora, Noela, Olla, Ollia Ham Demihtazri,   Samzatva Neelata-Mek, Na'eltama'uk,   Naaltamiki Zedkat Nabu Zalbeth, Zalith Sepoy Catafluvia, Cataphua, Laterecta, Sare, Sabba, Sambethe, Sibyl, Noegla, Ollina, Olina, Oliva, Egyptus Japheth Natinir,   Katanachnavo Adalenses, Adataneses Arathka Arisisah, Aresisia Pash  Aurca, Fura, Serac, Eneh, Pandora, Ollibana, Olybana, Olivana      References:    BOOKS Arthur C. Custance  "Noah's Three Sons:  Human History in Three Dimensions" Arthur C. Custance  "Genesis and Early Man" Bill Cooper  "After the Flood:  The Early Post-Flood History of Europe Traced Back to Noah" Henry M. Morris  "The Genesis Record:  A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the Book of Beginnings" John C. Whitcomb, Henry M. Morris  "The Genesis Flood:  The Biblical Record and it's Scientific Implications" John Pilkey  "Origin of the Nations" Ken Helsley  "Table of Nations" Ken Johnson  "Ancient Post-Flood History" Werner Keller  "The Bible As History" Henry M. Morris  "God and the Nations:  What the Bible Has to Say About Civilizations-Past and Present" Paul F. Taylor "Six Days of Genesis:  A Scientific Appreciation of Chapters 1-11" Floyd Nolen Jones  "The Chronology of the  Old Testament" James I. Nienhuis  "Old Earth?  Why Not!" D. J. Wiseman, Society for  Old Testament Study  "Peoples of Old Testament Times" Alfred J. Hoerth, Gerald L. Mattingly,  Edwin M. Yamauchi  "Peoples of the Old Testament World" Rabbi Meir Zlotowitz  "Bereishis / Genesis 2 Volume Set" Ken Ham, Carl Wieland, Don Batten  "ONE BLOOD, The Biblical  Answer to Racism" Mike Gascoigne   "Forgotten History of the Western People  From the Earliest Origins" Sun Ming  "The Origin of the Races:  It's Not What You Think!" Ethel R. Nelson, Richard E. Broadberry,  Ginger Tong Chock  "God's Promise to the Chinese" Jack Cuozzo  "Buried Alive:  The Startling  Truth About Neanderthal Man" John F. Walvoord  "The Nations in Prophecy" Edward Hull  "The Wall Chart of World History:  From Earliest Times to the Present" Ruth Beechick  "ADAM AND HIS KIN:   The Lost History of Their Lives and Times" Ruth Beechick  "GENESIS:  Finding Our Roots" WEB ARTICLES / MAGAZINES / BOOKLETS Ken Ham, Carl Wieland, Don Batten  "Where Did The 'Races' Come From?" Answers Magazine  "Vol. 3 No. 2, April-June 2008" J. Talmadge Wood  "The Grandsons of Noah" Flavius Josephus  "Antiquities of the Jews - Book I" Harold Hunt, Russell Grigg  "The Sixteen Grandsons of Noah" Lambert Dolphin  "The Table of Nations" Lambert Dolphin  "The Genealogy from Adam to Jesus  Christ" Ray C. Stedman  "The Three Families of Man" Tim Osterholm  "Origins of the Swedes"      Here is what the apostle Peter had to say in the New Testament about Noah and the flood (1 Peter 3:18-22): "Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to bring you to God.  He was put ,凡客家谱网(http://www.fankhome.com/),作为国内最专业的“富锦修家谱价格”公司,选择凡客,等于选择了成功!
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