
抚远修家谱价格ir early genealogies as the son of Noah, the forebear of their various peoples), and the variant Seskef was used by early Scandinavians. All of these peoples, we must remember, were pagans whose knowledge or even awareness of the book of Genesis had been lost, or was non-existent.
The information presented here is only an interpretation of historical research and Biblical data. Certain assumptions may not be accurate, and new discoveries can change group references. While many of the peoples and nations listed are easily identifiable, many remain obscure. Numerous scholars have attempted to identify lost or unknown nations with varying degrees of success. Much of the material is archaic, and there remains considerable ambiguity. There are some who suggest problems within the Table of Nations when attempting to correlate specific people groups with modern comparative linguistics. For example, we know Elamites descended from Shem, yet their language was not Semitic. Canaanites descended from Ham, yet their language was Semitic. These apparent conflicts are not conflicts at all. Cultures from ancient times were constantly subject to foreign migrations and invasions. Conquering powers often imposed their language and culture upon the defeated; this is what came to pass in Elamite and Canaanite civilizations. There are many other examples in history. The Israelites, who primarily spoke ancient Hebrew up until the Babylonian and Persian captivities, would eventually adopt Aramaic, the official language of the Persian Empire. That resulted in the Jewish Talmud being written in Aramaic. Aramaic was a language spoken by Jesus. The famous Grecian conqueror, Alexander the Great, subdued Persia, and soon the Jews adopted Greek as a second language. The result was the New Testament being written in Greek.
We are all directly related to either Shem and his wife, Ham and his wife, or Japheth and his wife. History has long since confirmed abundantly this distribution of mankind, exactly as the Bible describes. Every human being on earth today is your cousin, whether first, second or thousandth! Nothing in the legendary or archaeological history of the ancient world denies the biblical account of the creation of the world, the entrance of sin and death, the judgment of Noah's flood, and the rise of the peoples from his descendants after their dispersal from Babel. Furthermore, the historical dates used to determine the formation of people groups, nations or kingdoms does not in any way conflict with the Genesis account, but are well within the approximate dates for the creation of the world and mankind about 4000 B.C., the flood of Noah about 2350 B.C., and the dispersal from Babel around 2100 B.C. Click here for a genealogical chart from Genesis 10.
This information is not intended to promote or reflect a particular theology, religious sect or genealogical group. Don't dismiss the fact that with some of the Shemites, Hamites and Japhethites there would have been intermarriage and subsequent people groups. For example, scholars note evidence that suggests the descendants of Lud (Shemites) migrated north and intermarried with the Greeks (descendants of Japheth), and were eventually absorbed in that culture.
The interaction of all three family contributions is the theme of history. The remarkable thing is that they all can be substantiated to a degree, often unsuspected by students of history, up to the present time. The descendants of Shem, Ham and Japheth are evidenced, not only by Biblical history, but archeological, anthropological, biological, ethnographical, ethnological, etymological, geological and secular history. The question is not one of levels of worth but of uniqueness of contribution, and though differences exist, not any one group is superior or inferior.
Listed below are 19 of the 94 recognized language families of the world, representing just over 6,900 distinct languages. Approximately 45 percent of the world's population fall into the Indo-European language family, with 22 percent falling into the Sino-Tibetan language family. Linguists claim that many of the languages of th,凡客家谱网(http://www.fankhome.com/),作为国内最专业的“抚远修家谱价格”公司,选择凡客,等于选择了成功!
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