
翠峦区修家谱价格发现什么看上去似乎是正确的,其实是假的。太阳绕着地球转的的观念是明显错误的,但在这一错误纠正之前,天文科学几乎没什么进步。 On the other hand, on occasion, what is obviously false turns out to be actually true, as in the scientific belief that dinosaurs and humans never coexisted. That changed when fossilized footprints of dinosaurs and humans were found together, with the most recent fossil discovery showing a human footprint slightly overlapped by a dinosaur footprint. 从另一方面来讲,有时看上去是假的,结果变成真实的,就像当今科学信念中对人类和恐龙没有共存的认识。结果当人类和恐龙足迹在一起的化石被发现的时候,就证实了这种认识的错误。正如最近的化石发现显示,人类的足迹与恐龙足迹有部分是重叠的。 Newly discovered artwork and various ancient artifacts depicting live dinosaurs by themselves, or interacting with humans, gave further proof. These include burial stones, burial cloths, clay figurines and cave drawings. 最新考古发现各种史前古器物上都有对恐龙的描绘,有的与人类互动,这都提供了进一步的证据。这些包括埋葬的墓石,殓布,陶俑和洞穴壁画等。 While scientific knowledge is characterized by a progressive approach to reality, it has often proved detrimental to the progress of understanding in the things which it has denied. Such is the case here. So before you begin to judge, please continue reading. 然而,科学认识的特点是对真实的认识越来越接近,对于认识那些被科学否认的东西,科学也常会阻碍对它的进一步认识。这里的情况是这样的。所以在你开始判断之前,请继续阅读。
As stated earlier, race does not apply to skin color alone. 正如早前所提到的,种族不能单单按肤色来判定。 Skin color is essentially the only biological difference in race, and science has been unable to determine what causes skin pigmentation. 肤色基本上是种族中仅有的生物学差异。科学还不能肯定是什么原因引起了色素沉着。 They have not been able to define the difference in cell pigment or structure. 他们不能肯定是细胞色素结构的差异。This superficial distinction is the basis for the division of mankind, but the fact is, we are all the same color, and some people have a little more "color" than others. 这一表面的区别成为了人种划分的基础,但事实上,我们所有人都是同一肤色,只不过有些人肤色更深一些。 Skin shade is due to the amount of a substance called melanin in the skin; the more melanin, the darker the skin. 肤色变化是由于皮肤中称为黑色素的物质,黑色素增多,肤色越深。 We are not born with a genetically fixed amount of melanin, but rather with a genetically fixed potential to produce a certain amount, increasing in response to sunlight (why Caucasians "tan" when exposed to the sun for long periods). 我们并不是生来就有遗传性的固定数量的黑色素,相反地是因为对阳光照射的反应,使黑色素的数量不断增加。这就是高加索人种在长期暴晒太阳后成棕褐色的原因。 Racially mixed individuals can have children with skin color that is very dark, very light, or anywhere in between. 混血儿的肤色可以很黑,很白,也可能是中间型的任何一种。The predominant shade for freely interbreeding individuals would be brown.在自由混种的个体中突出的变化应该是褐色。
Modern genetics shows that when a large, freely interbreeding group is suddenly broken into many smaller groups which from then on breed only among themselves (as the Biblical description of the language dispersion at Babel would imply), different racial characteristics will arise very rapidly. 现代遗传学表明,当大量自由的混种繁殖产生了许多小型亚种后,从此繁衍只能出现在他们亚种本身之内发生(正如圣经描述的巴别塔分散之后语言的情形所暗示的),不同的种族特征就会迅速形成。 It can be shown that one pair of middle-brown parents could produce all known shades of color, from very white to very black, in one generation. 事实显示,一对中等程度褐色的父母可能产出所有已知的肤色,有的很白,有的很黑。 The racial characteristics which exist today have not evolved, and generally speaking, are simply different combinations of pre-existing (created) genetic (hereditary) information. 现有的人种特征并没有出现进化,或者说,只是受造的遗传信息简单差异性组合。 Remee and Kian Hodgson born April 2005, and Layton and Kaydon Richardson born July 2006 (pictured below) are fraternal "black and white" twins. 2005年4月出生的霍奇森家双胞胎Remee和Kian,2006年7月出生的理查森家双胞胎Layton和Kaydon(见下面照片),均出现“白种与黑种混合”的双胞胎。 More incredible was the birth of two sets of mixed-race twins by Durrant. 更不可思议的是杜拉家族的Alison和Dean竟生下两对混种双胞胎。 Their first twins were born in 2001, and their second twins arrived November 2008 (all pictured below). 他们第一对双胞胎出生于2001年,第二对生于2008年11月(见照片)。 Other fraternal twin births include Alicia and Jasmin Singerl born May 2006, and Ryan and Leo Gerth born July 2008 (not pictured), all providing proof of such genetic detail. 还有2006年5月Singerl 家的Alicia and Jasmin生下的双胞胎,2008年7月Gerth 家Ryan 和Leo出生的(无照片),这些都证明了这类遗传的情形。 The environment plays a secondary role in favoring certain combinations over others.这类特殊情形中,环境因素的作用是次要的。
Hodgson Twins霍奇森家双胞胎 Richardson Twins理查森家双胞胎 Durrant Twins (times two) 杜拉家两对双胞胎
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