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时间:2017-06-23 作者:中国家谱网 点击:89次 来源:家谱

    西林区修家谱价格起源的演绎(来自于希腊词 exégesis,和动词:exégetikos,意思是解释,指导,演绎或评议)。当您读完本文,你原来对人种的看法必定发生根本的改变。请注意本文中的民族列表并不是按照他们的传统。本文将阐述各民族的起源。 We can also factually claim that wherever its statements can be sufficiently tested, Genesis 10 of the Bible has been found completely accurate; resulting partly from linguistic studies, partly from archaeology, and, more recently still, from the findings of physical anthropologists, who are, to this day, recovering important clues to lines of migration in ancient historic times. 我们可以确实地断言,无论从哪一方面都有充分的证据表明,圣经创世记10章已被证实完全准确;有的是从语言学研究方面,有的是从从考古学方面,最近来说,更多的是从人体生物学家的发现,至今为止,他们已经发现了远古人类迁徙的重要线索。 As implied in verse 32 of Genesis 10, this Table includes everybody; meaning that so-called fossil man, primitive peoples (ancient and modern) and modern man are all derived from Noah's three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. 根据创世纪10章32节的推测,这一族谱表是包括全人类的;也就是说,所谓的化石人、原始人和现代人全部都是(亚当夏娃的后代,而洪水之后所有生存的人类都是)来自于挪亚的三个儿子:闪、含和雅弗。 Acts 17:26 states, "From one man (or one blood) He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live," a corroboration of Genesis 10. 使徒行传17:26说到:神从一个人(有古卷作一个血脉)造出全地万族的人,住在全地上,并且预先定准他们的年限,和所住的疆界。这与创世纪10章所说的一脉相承。 In light of this, findings from anthropology, archaeology, ethnography, ethnohistory, genetics, geology, and sociology substantiate an alternate interpretation of the history of humanity. 今天在人类学,考古学,人种学,人种史学,遗传学,地质学,社会学等各学科的研究成果也证实这一人类历史演化过程。 As archaeologist William Albright noted, "it [the Bible] remains an astonishingly accurate document...and shows such remarkably 'modern' understanding of the ethnic and linguistic situation in the modern world, in spite of all its complexity, that scholars never fail to be impressed with it's knowledge of the subject."  正如考古学家威廉阿尔布莱特所说“圣经留下了令人惊讶的准确记录……并在现今的人类种族学和语言学方面显示了如此明显“超前”的理解,除了其复杂性,学者们对各自领域的认知也是深刻的”。We can further infer from political histories— kingdoms, empires, and their rulers; also from artists, poets, philosophers, architects and mathematicians who enriched their individual cultures.  Additionally, references from historical records, ancient literature, mythology, burial customs and other sources all provide strong evidences. 我们可以进一步参考政治历史学中的国度、帝王及其统治,也可以参照各自独特文化中的艺术家,诗人,哲学家,建筑师和数学家。此外,可以借鉴历史记载,古代文学,神话故事,丧葬习俗和其他资源。这些都能提供有力的证据。 This may seem a gross over-simplification, and even appear to oppose well-established secular scientific opinion; however, science has proven itself over and over to be a double-edged sword. 这似乎过于简化,甚至与长久建立起来的科学体系出现矛盾;然而,科学是一把双刃剑,科学发展本身就是证明自己过去认识的错误。 For example, it is often found that what is obviously true, is actually false.  The obvious idea that the sun moved around the earth was erroneous, but until that view was corrected, little progress was made in the science of astronomy. 例如,人们常常发现什么看上去似乎是正确的,其实是假的。太阳绕着地球转的的观念是明显错误的,但在这一错误纠正之前,天文科学几乎没什么进步。 On the other hand, on occasion, what is obviously false turns out to be actually true, as in the scientific belief that dinosaurs and humans never coexisted.  That changed when fossilized footprints of dinosaurs and humans were found together, with the most recent fossil discovery showing a human footprint slightly overlapped by a dinosaur footprint. 从另一方面来讲,有时看上去是假的,结果变成真实的,就像当今科学信念中对人类和恐龙没有共存的认识。结果当人类和恐龙足迹在一起的化石被发现的时候,就证实了这种认识的错误。正如最近的化石发现显示,人类的足迹与恐龙足迹有部分是重叠的。 Newly discovered artwork and various ancient artifacts depicting live dinosaurs by themselves, or interacting with humans, gave further proof.  These include burial stones, burial cloths, clay figurines and cave drawings. 最新考古发现各种史前古器物上都有对恐龙的描绘,有的与人类互动,这都提供了进一步的证据。这些包括埋葬的墓石,殓布,陶俑和洞穴壁画等。 While scientific knowledge is characterized by a progressive approach to reality, it has often proved detrimental to the progress of understanding in the things which it has denied.  Such is the case here.  So before you begin to judge, please continue reading. 然而,科学认识的特点是对真实的认识越来越接近,对于认识那些被科学否认的东西,科学也常会阻碍对它的进一步认识。这里的情况是这样的。所以在你开始判断之前,请继续阅读。   As stated earlier, race does not apply to skin color alone. 正如早前所提到的,种族不能单单按肤色来判定。 Skin color is essentially the only biological difference in race, and science has been unable to determine what causes,凡客家谱网(http://www.fankhome.com/),作为国内最专业的“西林区修家谱价格”公司,选择凡客,等于选择了成功!
    中国最大的互联网家谱服务提供商——凡客家谱网, 是一家由湖南三维教育科技有限公司投资运营的大型互联网谱牒文化企业。总部座落于湖湘文化名城湖南长沙,长沙西毗贵州、东邻江西、南接广东广西,北通湖北,京广高铁与沪昆高铁两条高铁大动脉贯穿其中,是南北东西对接的咽喉要道。西林区修家谱价格是顺应互联网潮流,在“大众创新,万众创业”的政策号召下成立的新一代互联网传统文化企业。凡客家谱网主要从事电子家谱、网络家谱、纸质家谱的修编,致力于将传统的谱牒文化与互联网技术结合,以传统文化为根基,以互联网技术为载体,实现“传承中华文明,弘扬传统文化”复兴中华民族的伟大目标!

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